Blue Curacao Liqueur 750 ML


Purchase Butlers Blue Curacao 750ml through online platforms while in Nairobi and enjoy the convenience of having it delivered within a two-hour timeframe, available from Monday to Saturday, starting at 10:00 AM until 6:00 PM. Butlers Blue Curacao is a well-liked Dutch liqueur, often savored on significant celebrations. Notably, Butlers Blue Curacao 750ml carries a 24% alcohol content.

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Infused with the essence of dried laraha citrus fruit peel, Butlers Blue Curacao brings a delightful aromatic sweetness to complement your preferred cocktails.

Taste Profile: Exhibiting a harmonious blend of sweetness and subtle bitterness, coupled with a pronounced orange essence. Its texture is akin to syrup, accompanied by a gentle floral fragrance.

Butlers Blue Curacao can introduce a sugary and tangy dimension to cocktails, along with a striking blue hue that adds visual allure to beverages. It’s often combined with other fruity elements like pineapple or lemon to craft invigorating tropical concoctions.

At Quest Online Liquor Store, you can find Blue Curacao Liqueur 750 ML for KES 1,850.


How to order

You can place your order through our digital platforms, which include the website, WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram. Additionally, you can also call us directly at 0728-511-347. Rest assured, our professional staff will promptly deliver your order to your doorstep.


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You can get Blue Curacao Liqueur 750 ML for only KShs1,850.00!