Namaqua Merlot 750ML

Original price was: KShs1,250.00.Current price is: KShs1,150.00.

A red wine of moderate body and velvety texture. Delight in its company alongside your preferred red meat, dishes featuring tomato-based sauces, or even dark chocolate.

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SKU: GIT114 Category:


An opulent Merlot enriched with an amalgamation of red cherry and fully ripened mulberries, complemented by gentle and smooth tannins that harmonize the flavors.

This wine of moderate body splendidly pairs with red meat and robust dishes featuring tomato-based sauces, in addition to desserts like dark chocolate.

At Quest Online Liquor Store, you can findĀ  Namaqua Merlot 750ML for KES 1,150.

How to order

You can place your order through our digital platforms, which include the website, WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram. Additionally, you can also call us directly at 0728-511-347. Rest assured, our professional staff will promptly deliver your order to your doorstep.


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Save -8%! You can get Namaqua Merlot 750ML for only KShs1,250.00 KShs1,150.00.