Luksosowa Vodka 375ML


Indulge your senses with a vodka like no other. Its aroma boasts a luxurious blend of rich potato and tangy sour cream notes, complemented by the irresistible scent of baked potato skins and a hint of light caramelization.

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SKU: GIT447 Category:


Indulge your senses with a vodka like no other. Its aroma boasts a luxurious blend of rich potato and tangy sour cream notes, complemented by the irresistible scent of baked potato skins and a hint of light caramelization. As you take a sip, you’ll be transported to a world of luscious, velvety goodness that glides smoothly across your palate. The complex flavors of mashed potatoes, buttered popcorn, and soured cream dance on your tongue, offering a sensory experience that is truly unmatched. And just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, the finish leaves a lingering impression of dense, rich creaminess that sets it apart from any grain or beet vodkas. This potato vodka is a true masterpiece, crafted to delight even the most discerning of vodka enthusiasts.


  1. served cool


Store In A Cool Dry Place

How to order

You can place your order through our digital platforms, which include the website, WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram. Additionally, you can also call us directly at 0728-511-347. Rest assured, our professional staff will promptly deliver your order to your doorstep.


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You can get Luksosowa Vodka 375ML for only KShs400.00!