Hunting Lodge Whisky 750ML


Crafted with precision, this premium whisky boasts a harmonious marriage of smoky peat and smooth malt, creating a robust flavor profile that resonates with warmth and character. From the first pour, you’ll be transported to the heart of a secluded hunting lodge, surrounded by the whispers of nature and the crackling warmth of a roaring fire.

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SKU: GIT737-1-1-1-1 Category:


Immerse yourself in the rich, rugged allure of Hunting Lodge Whisky, a distinguished 750ML blend that captures the essence of the wilderness in every sip.

Crafted with precision, this premium whisky boasts a harmonious marriage of smoky peat and smooth malt, creating a robust flavor profile that resonates with warmth and character.

From the first pour, you’ll be transported to the heart of a secluded hunting lodge, surrounded by the whispers of nature and the crackling warmth of a roaring fire.

Elevate your moments with Hunting Lodge Whisky – where wilderness meets refinement in every captivating drop.

At Quest Online Liquor Store, you can find Hunting Lodge Whisky 750ML for KES 1,150.


Store In A Cool Dry Place

How to order

You can place your order through our digital platforms, which include the website, WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram. Additionally, you can also call us directly at 0728-511-347. Rest assured, our professional staff will promptly deliver your order to your doorstep.


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You can get Hunting Lodge Whisky 750ML for only KShs1,150.00!