Baron Philipe Pinot Nior 750ML


Indulge in the exquisite allure of Baron Philipe Pinot Noir 750ML. Crafted with utmost care, this red wine offers a symphony of rich flavors and velvety textures, perfect for any occasion. Discover notes of ripe cherries and subtle oak, elegantly dancing on your palate. Elevate your wine experience with Baron Philipe, a true masterpiece. Buy now for a taste that lingers. Cheers to sophistication!

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  1. store in a cool dry place


Store In A Cool Dry Place

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You can place your order through our digital platforms, which include the website, WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram. Additionally, you can also call us directly at 0728-511-347. Rest assured, our professional staff will promptly deliver your order to your doorstep.


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You can get Baron Philipe Pinot Nior 750ML for only KShs2,900.00!