Absolute Vodka 750ML

Original price was: KShs2,550.00.Current price is: KShs2,400.00.

This Absolut Vodka is made with winter wheat from Ahus, Sweden. This Absolut Vodka taste is rich, fullbodied and complex, yet smooth and mellow with a distinct character of grain, followed by a hint of dried fruit.

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Absolut Vodka, a Swedish creation, is meticulously crafted from natural ingredients, distinguishing it from other vodkas by its absence of added sugar.

Unquestionably pure, Absolut embodies a unique taste — simultaneously robust and smooth, with a rich complexity that blends seamlessly with a gentle grain essence and a subtle trace of dried fruit.

This exceptional vodka is born from winter wheat sourced from Ahus, Sweden, resulting in a remarkably distinctive and harmonious flavor profile.

At Quest Online Liquor Store, you can find Absolute Vodka 750ML for KES 2,400.


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Save -6%! You can get Absolute Vodka 750ML for only KShs2,550.00 KShs2,400.00.